Nunca más serás un pájaro enjaulado

Salta aunque nadie te comprenda
Por encima de cabezas huecas
Salta como un gato
Nunca más serás un pájaro enjaulado

Jump even though no one understands you
Up above the heads filled with air
Jump as a cat jumps
For nevermore will you be a caged bird


This week has been filled with such joy. It is one week until my 23rd birthday, and this is the first time I’ve ever been excited to celebrate. Over the past year, I’ve explored themes of independence, self-reliance, humility, boldness, extroversion, and doubt. I have questioned what exactly it means to be a strong woman.

I look back on this year and see real growth. And that is worth celebrating.

Nunca mas serás un Pájaro enjauladoNunca mas serás un Pájaro enjaulado