Stuff I Love

Not-Free Stuff (but it’s so worth it)

FYI these are affiliate links of products that I’ve researched (for hours or even days), agonized over purchasing (because I’m a poor grad student), and eventually used and loved.

Zen to Done – great book by Leo Babauta, author of ZenHabits, on being productive. I’m looking at you, college students.

Language Hacking Guide – For people serious about tackling a new language. If you buy the multilingual guide like I did, you get the Language Hacking Guide in English and eighteen other languages. Now the guide itself is a PDF file with 129 pages of language learning tips plus six worksheets. There are audio interviews (with transcripts) with other language learners as well. I’m still in awe.

Free Stuff (because everyone loves free stuff)

A Brief Guide to World Domination – A purposeful read that brings up some tough questions. This book helped me when I was drawing up my goals in the summer before grad school.

How to Create a Movement – In the same vein as the above ebook, this is an interesting read on leadership.

Recession Proof Graduate – How to be assertive and take initiative. While I don’t need to find a job for the next few years, I still use the strategies in this book to showcase the value of my work.

Take this Job and Shove It – Ok, so I’m not interested in leaving my job, but this ebook had some good points about putting money aside to allow for more freedom when choosing opportunities.

Stonesoup Minimalist E-Cookbook – I adore this cookbook. Jules creates amazing recipes that only have 5 ingredients and take 10 minutes–perfect for someone as busy as me!