So close to being done

by Sarah Luna

My only remaining assignment is due tomorrow at midnight. I am so close to being done. Fortunately, I am in a much better emotional state than I was at this time last semester. Now I’m just impatient. Antsy. Ready to be done.

I’m in an exciting part of my life right now.  Tomorrow I’m going to the End of the Year BBQ at the Big Red Barn (though it won’t have actual BBQ) and then to a contra dance! Next week, I’ll start packing up my apartment and cleaning out everything from this year that I no longer need. I’ll move to my new office as well (basement to 2nd floor, woo!). I’ll give my students their final on Tuesday and grade them all Tuesday night.

I’ll spend two weeks home (and other places), see Les Miserables, and watch my brother graduate high school. Then I’m coming back to New York to spend a week at Columbia learning statistics. Exciting.

Summer is going to be awesome, and all that stands in my way is this one last assignment.